
Welcome To Carmela's Order From Entropy

Welcome To
Order From

Me In A Nutshell

My interests are vast, but you’ll most likely find me researching, building something or on an adventure. I absolutely love solving problems, and to do that, I need to learn how things work so I can find effective leverage points to make progress and get results. 

To me data isn’t useful unless you have first-hand experience with what it means. So I do a lot of self experimentation, and it’s awesome when others share their results with me. From that info, I develop practical action steps to pass on to others who are trying to solve similar issues. 

The way I operate gives me a very unique skillset that’s completely different from those who specialize. I may not be an “expert” at any one thing, but I know a lot about a lot. And I know how to apply that information to life.  

This naturally makes me a curious person, but I’m also passionate about personal development and reaching one’s full potential. 

I’ve lived a life full of ups and downs, hardships and achievements, pain and happiness and have made it my mission to create a roadmap to help others achieve whatever they’re trying to do to have a more fulfilling life. 

Personal Hub

Autonomy Crusades is where I plan to document my personal journey and life experiments. This website is where I’ll be journaling and collecting my thoughts and experiences. This is how I make connections and create systems in the way that I do. 

Most of my interests fall under the umbrella of personal development, but I have many hobbies that don’t. I have a love of photography, art, hiking, cooking and I live in a van so I can travel to my heart’s content. This is where I’ll be posting this content.

This will likely be haphazard until I get some of my other passion projects off the ground. 


When you focus on building a solid foundation, it’s so much easier to find happiness and your purpose. I’ve noticed common components of every person that I’ve worked with, so I’m building out a guiding system in each area. 

I’m creating resources in 4 main sections right now before I expand into bigger things. Bear with me, this will take time. If you’re looking for purpose guidance, you need to start with self awareness.

Self Awareness

If you don’t truly know who you are, it’s really difficult to determine when you’re on the right path. That makes a huge difference for the big stuff, but also the small things like your basic needs. This area is a primary building block for everything else.

Financial Security

When you’re constantly worried about money, you’re stuck in survival mode. Finances and investing are not as complicated as they’re made out to be. You just have to learn things you’ve never been taught and set up the right money system. Want financial independence?

Nurishing Relationships

If you find yourself constantly seeking interaction but feel frustrated after engaging with others, you aren’t around the right kind of people for you. The first thing you need to do is figure out who you are. Then pursue the right kinds of people to have relationships with. 


If your health isn’t great, it can be really hard to focus on anything else. No matter what ailment or illness you have, you can heal. You just have to give your body what it needs and remove the sources of inflammation. Again you just have to learn the system.


If your health isn’t great, it can be really hard to focus on anything else. No matter what ailment or illness you have, you can heal. You just have to give your body what it needs and remove the sources of inflammation. Again you just have to learn the system.

Nurishing Relationships

If you find yourself constantly seeking interaction but feel frustrated after engaging with others, you aren’t around the right kind of people for you. The first thing you need to do is figure out who you are. Then pursue the right kinds of people to have relationships with. 

Ready to 

Start Your Journey?

Want More Background Information?

How My Quest Began

I noticed things were missing from my life. 

During attempts to gain the missing pieces, I realized that others do the same things. 

I also noticed that the missing pieces change based on what lacks our attention. 

We have limited resources, so something is always lacking if you do not have a system that puts specific efforts into effective things. 

A system can be created using our human commonalities and also our uniqueness as inputs to help us achieve better, more fulfilling lives.